Artist @beoncloud.official ðāļŠāļīāļāļāđāļēāļāļĢāļ°āđāļ â
LINE @Kathycosmetics (āļĄāļĩ@)
Showcase Status ïž Showcase Active
Selling category:
BeautyãPersonal Care & Health ãFashion
Contracted by MCN ïž Non-contracted
First video posted date:2018/10/05
Compared to last week
National Ranking
Compared to last week
Category Rank
Traffic Index
Ecommerce Potential Index
Number of Followers
New Followers (last 28 days)
Total volume of videos posted in last 28 days
Not active in 28 days
Latest Creation Time ïž
[Total volume of videos posted in last 28 days]
Avg. Views ïž
Avg. engagementsïž
[LIVE hosted (28-day)]
Avg. Units Sold ïž
Average GMV ïž
FastMoss Overview
[-] () ranked at [-] under -. Here is the summary of traffic and e-commerce performance for the past - days:Total video views -, total interactions - in the past - days; total number of live broadcast views -In the past - days, [Ecommerce] did not post shoppable videos. His or her main category is -, and the highest units sold of the goods being promoted is -
Data Summary
Domestic GMV Rankings
Shoppable Video GMV
Ecommerce LIVE GMV
Shoppable Video GPM
Ecommerce LIVE GPM
Video Analytics
Shoppable Videos
Non-shoppable Videos
Total Views
Avg. views
Views Median
Avg. Interaction Rate
Thousands of viewed interactions IPM
Rating Ratio
LIVE Analytics
Number of LIVEs
Avg. LIVE Duration
Peak Viewers
Avg. number of Viewers
Views Median
Highest peak
Avg. peak
Peak Median
Core data
Recent Data
Followers gained
Ecommerce Data
Units Sold
Followers Analytics
GenderThe majority of fans are , representing proportion of %.
No Data Available
Age The majority of audience is years old, representing proportion of %.
No Data Available
No Data Available
Video Analytics
Video List
FastMoss Overview
In the past - days, - videos composed by - e-commerce videos, - Ad videos have been released to sell - products.
Ads Status
Not Sponsored
LIVE Analytics
FastMoss Overview
This influencer hasn't been promoting via LiVE for -
Sales Analysis
FastMoss Overview
Non-ecommerce Creators is an e-commerce creator. The creator posted the first video/live with product link on TikTok on -. The highest number of units sold is created by Video.
Number of collaborative shopsïžïž
Showcased Productsïžïž
Total Units Soldïžïž
Total GMVïžïž
Most promoted
Top Selling
- å ķäŧ10000.00%
Average units sold of single ecommerce video
Average GMV of single ecommerce video
Ag. Units Sold per LIVE
Avg. Units Sold per LIVE
Category Analytics
Proportion of product units soldThe TikTok product category of priority is , accounting for
- å ķäŧ10000.00%
Proportion of product units soldThe best-selling TikTok product category is , accounting for
- å ķäŧ10000.00%
TOP 5 Collaborative Store
Promoted Products List
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