
[Sạc siêu nhanh] Sạc Dự Phòng PowerBank 30000 mAh và 20000 mAh , Sạc Nhanh PD120W/20W, Nâng cấp đồng hồ hiển thị %Pin, Hiệu điện Thế U(V), Cường độ dòng điện(Ampe) Có Đèn Ngủ, Thiết kế trong suốt lỗi 1 đổi 1 trong vòng 30 ngày

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[Sạc siêu nhanh] Sạc Dự Phòng PowerBank 30000 mAh và 20000 mAh , Sạc Nhanh PD120W/20W, Nâng cấp đồng hồ hiển thị %Pin, Hiệu điện Thế U(V), Cường độ dòng điện(Ampe) Có Đèn Ngủ, Thiết kế trong suốt lỗi 1 đổi 1 trong vòng 30 ngày
Phones & Electronics / Phone Accessories / Power Banks
Viral Index
Popularity Score
Total Units Sold
130,1Tỉ ₫
Total GMV
Shoppable Videos
Estimated Launch date: 2023-12-06 (GMT+8)
Units in Stock:380k+
Price:169,000₫ - 179,000
336,000₫ - 378,000
Commission Rate:10%
Shop Details
Phukien264 VN
Phukien264 VN
Phones & Electronics
FastMoss Overview
In the past - days, the sales of this product in the - category in has been trending upwards. A total of - units has been sold, with total sales reaching -.In the past - days, - videos related to this product have been released. These shoppable videos have generated an additional - units sold, with an increase in GMV of -.In the past - days, - live streams have featured this product. These live streams have generated an additional - units sold, with an increase in GMV of -.In the past - days, - TikTok creators have released videos or livestreams related to this product. Among them, - creators promoted the product through videos, while - creators did so through LIVES.


Units Sold / GMV


Transaction Channel Distribution

Total Units Sold
Total GMV

Content Distribution

Total Units Sold
Total GMV

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