Combo giúp dưỡng trắng dưỡng ẩm da sữa tắm và sữa dưỡng thể Niacinamide, Alpha-Arbutin Five Grains 500ml Dưỡng Da Body
Combo giúp dưỡng trắng dưỡng ẩm da sữa tắm và sữa dưỡng thể Niacinamide, Alpha-Arbutin Five Grains 500ml Dưỡng Da Body
Beauty & Personal Care / Bath & Body Care / Body Wash & Soap
5k - 10k
Viral Index
Popularity Score
Total Units Sold
81,2Tỉ ₫
Total GMV
Shoppable Videos
Estimated Launch date: 2022-08-17 (GMT+8)
Units in Stock:7k+
Price:219,000₫ - 349,000
438,000₫ - 684,000Commission Rate:1%
Shop Details
Five Grains Vietnam
Beauty & Personal Care
FastMoss Overview
In the past - days, the sales of this product in the - category in has been trending upwards. A total of - units has been sold, with total sales reaching -.In the past - days, - videos related to this product have been released. These shoppable videos have generated an additional - units sold, with an increase in GMV of -.In the past - days, - live streams have featured this product. These live streams have generated an additional - units sold, with an increase in GMV of -.In the past - days, - TikTok creators have released videos or livestreams related to this product. Among them, - creators promoted the product through videos, while - creators did so through LIVES.
Units Sold / GMV
Transaction Channel Distribution
Total Units Sold
Total GMV
Content Distribution
Total Units Sold
Total GMV